

Indonesia, boasting the title of the world’s largest archipelagic country with a vast sea area of 5.8 million square kilometers, stands as one of the largest producers and suppliers in the global fisheries market. The abundance of sea area provides Indonesia with a wealth of fisheries products, making fisheries a national leading sector in the country.

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Indonesia, boasting the title of the world’s largest archipelagic country with a vast sea area of 5.8 million square kilometers, stands as one of the largest producers and suppliers in the global fisheries market. The abundance of sea area provides Indonesia with a wealth of fisheries products, making fisheries a national leading sector in the country.

There are 23 regions where fisheries stand out as a leading sector, supporting local economies and providing food security. These regions encompass Aceh, Bengkulu, Riau, Lampung, South Sumatra, Central Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. Other regions include Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, West Papua, and Bangka Belitung.

In 2022, Indonesia’s fisheries sector contributed a total of Rp505 trillion to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Building this strong foundation, the country set an ambitious target of reaching US$7.2 billion in fishery exports by the end of 2023. Previously, total fishery product exports had hovered around US$5 billion to US$6 billion.

Supporting the sector’s contribution to the country’s GDP is its production. Throughout the third quarter of 2023, Indonesia’s fisheries production totaled 24.74 million tons. This figure includes both capture fisheries and aquaculture. In aquaculture, the main commodities are seaweed cultivation and shrimp cultivation, while in capture fisheries, the main commodities are tuna, skipjack tuna, and mackerel tuna.

Furthermore, Indonesia’s fisheries sector is experiencing a surge in investment. By the third quarter of 2023, the sector had attracted a total of Rp9.56 trillion in investment, with significant contributions from a mix of domestic sources at Rp5.32 trillion, foreign investors at Rp1.4 trillion, and credit sources at Rp2.84 trillion. Notably, China is the largest foreign investor, contributing Rp370.74 billion, followed by Malaysia with Rp240.4 billion, and Switzerland with Rp152.89 billion, highlighting the increasing international interest in Indonesia’s fisheries potential.

While Indonesia boasts impressive fisheries production and growing investments in its fisheries sector, it is vital to uphold fisheries regulations. These regulations ensure that this valuable sector thrives alongside healthy marine ecosystems. It is reported that Indonesia is scheduled to enforce a new fisheries policy in 2025, which will see quotas assigned to industrial, local, and non-commercial fishers across six designated fishing zones, covering all 11 fisheries management areas (FMAs) in Indonesia. The new quota system responds to a worrying rise in overexploited FMAs, which have increased to 53 percent from 44 percent in 2017.

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September 21, 2024

In an effort to encourage economic growth and strengthen South Kalimantan Province's investment climate, the South Kalimantan Provincial Government and Bank Indonesia (BI) South Kalimantan Representative Office held South Borneo Investment Forum (SBIF) 2024. The event was held in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan on Aug. 13, 2024, with a focus on the presentation of various strategic investment projects and cooperation opportunities.

BI South Kalimantan Head Fadjar Majardi emphasized the importance of investment as the main driving force in achieving the economic target of Golden Indonesia 2045. His side views investment as the key to achieving it to make Indonesia a country with a developed economy by the 2038-2041 period.

"The required GDP [gross domestic product] growth of 6-7 percent per year requires support from various sectors, including those in South Kalimantan," he said.

Fadjar added that SBIF 2024 is a golden opportunity to establish strategic partnerships and explore various investment opportunities that can strengthen the regional economy. He hopes that the forum could be a platform for investors to better understand the investment potential in South Kalimantan and how they can contribute to the ongoing economic transformation.

South Kalimantan Province Regional Secretary Roy Rizali Anwar strongly supports the implementation of SBIF 2024. With various superior investment projects introduced in the forum, it is hoped that SBIF 2024 can attract the interest of investors and business partners to join in regional development efforts.

"We are very excited to welcome the implementation of SBIF 2024, which we consider to be an important step in advancing the economy of South Kalimantan," he said.

Roy added that South Kalimantan has great potential in various sectors that are ready to be developed through investment. The South Kalimantan Provincial Government is committed to providing maximum support for investment projects, from simplifying regulations to infrastructure development.

"We believe that collaboration between the government, BI, and the private sector will accelerate the achievement of our economic goals and contribute to Golden Indonesia 2045," he said.

SBIF 2024 provided one-on-one meeting sessions with investors for ready-to-offer and clean & clear projects based on the IPRO Challenge 2023 and 2024. This one-on-one session provides an opportunity for investors to explore investment opportunities and cooperation schemes.

"This is a strategic platform to further discuss the potential and support available from the local government," he said.

Various investment projects offered include:

  1. Kusan Hydroelectric Power Plant in Tanah Bumbu Regency: Development of a hydroelectric power plant (hpp) with an investment of Rp2.7 trillion.
    Project Owner: Tanah Bumbu Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP).
  2. Integrated Milkfish Cultivation with Canning Industry in Tanah Bumbu Regency: Milkfish cultivation project integrated with the canning industry with an investment of Rp255 billion.
    Project Owner: Tanah Bumbu Regency DPMPTSP.
  3. Integrated Striped Snakehead Fish Cultivation with Processing Industry in Tanah Bumbu Regency: Striped snakehead fish cultivation project with integrated processing facilities with a total investment of Rp96.5 billion.
    Project Owner: Tanah Bumbu Regency DPMPTSP.
  4. Oleochemical Industry in Tanah Bumbu Regency: Development of the oleochemical industry with a total investment of Rp2.2 trillion.
    Project Owner: Tanah Bumbu Regency Industry Office.
  5. Waste Management System in Banjarbaru City: Waste management system for used oil as well as toxic and hazardous hospital waste with a total investment of Rp30 billion.
    Project Owner: Banjarbaru City Environment Office.
  6. Aerocity Hotel in Banjarbaru City: Hotel construction project according to international standards with a total investment of Rp84 billion.
    Project Owner: Banjarbaru City DPMPTSP.
  7. Modern Slaughterhouses in Banjarmasin City: Revitalization of traditional poultry slaughterhouse markets into modern slaughterhouse markets with a total investment of Rp23.3 billion.
    Project Owner: Banjarmasin City DPMPTSP along with Banjarmasin City Food Security, Agriculture, and Fisheries Office (DKP3).
  8. Hiyung Chili Industry in Tapin Regency: End-to-end development of the hiyung chili industry with a total investment of Rp260.37 billion.
    Project Owner: Tapin Regency Trade Office.
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