
West Nusa Tenggara

West Nusa Tenggara

West Nusa Tenggara is a province located in the western part of the Nusa Tenggara region of Indonesia. It consists of two main islands, Lombok and Sumbawa, as well as numerous smaller islands. With Mataram as its capital city and Lombok doubling as its largest city, West Nusa Tenggara covers an area of 19,675.89 square kilometers.

As of 2023, the population of West Nusa Tenggara amounts to 5.5 million people. Geographically, Lombok is mainly inhabited by the Sasak ethnic group along with the minority Balinese population. On the other hand, Sumbawa is inhabited by Sumbawa and Bimanese ethnic groups. Additionally, Dompu is also considered a majority ethnic group in West Nusa Tenggara. Other ethnic groups that inhabit the province include the Javanese, Bugis, East Nusa Tenggara, and Chinese people.

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West Nusa Tenggara’s economy

According to data from the West Nusa Tenggara Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the province’s Gross Domestic Regional Product (GRDP) as of 2023 reached Rp 103.9 billion. The largest contribution came from the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector at Rp 22.6 billion, followed by the mining and quarrying sector which contributed Rp 18.2 billion to the province’s GRDP. The wholesale and retail trade sector, including the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector, also contributed significantly to West Nusa Tenggara’s GRDP, achieving Rp 14.7 billion.

West Nusa Tenggara is also the host of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ), which is expected to accelerate the potential of the tourism sector in the province. Initially proposed by PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero), the Mandalika SEZ has a concept of environmentally conscious tourism development, focusing on the construction of tourist attractions oriented towards the sustainability of environmental values and quality within the community. The SEZ is well known for its Mandalika International Street Circuit, located in the Mandalika resort area on Lombok Island. The circuit opened by hosting rounds of the Asia Talent Cup and Superbike World Championship in late 2021 and has been hosting Grand Prix motorcycle races since 2022.

Furthermore, national strategic projects (PSN) are being developed in East Nusa Tenggara, which encompasses sectors such as ports, airports, and dams. These projects include the development of Lombok Praya International Airport, the construction of dams such as Bintang Bano, Meninting, Beringin Sila, and Tiu Suntukm, and the development of facilities for processing and refining copper commodities by PT Amman Mineral Industri in West Sumbawa.

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Latest News

August 27, 2024

The West Nusa Tenggara Province Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) is compiling an investment potential map to provide a comprehensive picture to every investor who wants to invest in the region.

"We are targeting to complete the investment potential map for all regions in West Nusa Tenggara this year," West Nusa Tenggara DPMPTSP Head Wahyu Hidayat stated in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara on Aug. 13, 2024.

The West Nusa Tenggara DPMPTSP will start compiling the investment potential map in September 2024. It is intended to present detailed information about the province's economy and development opportunities for its various business sectors.

The map also includes a description of the regional spatial plan, economic and trade potential, infrastructure facilities potential, natural resource potential, tourism potential, as well as energy and mining potential.

West Nusa Tenggara's realized investment value for the first half (H1) of 2024 was recorded at Rp25.55 trillion. The business sectors that recorded the largest realized investments were mining at Rp18.45 trillion, industry at Rp4.73 trillion, as well as tourism and the creative economy at Rp1.21 trillion.

The province's regencies and cities with the highest investment realization are the Sumbawa Besar Regency with Rp21.91 trillion, Mataram City with Rp654 billion, and Sumbawa Regency with Rp601 billion.

Meanwhile, the three areas with the lowest investment realization are Bima Regency with only Rp57.89 billion, Bima City with Rp68.74 billion and West Lombok Regency with Rp268.89 billion.

Wahyu said that the investment potential map is also part of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government's efforts to boost the still low investment realization in Bima City and Bima Regency.

"From there (the investment potential map), we set out to present the [investment] potential and opportunities that exist in Bima so that it could develop," he explained.

He added that based on the naked-eye view of Bima City's and Bima Regency's geography, the strongest investment opportunities for both regions so far would be the livestock and agriculture sectors. Hence, the local governments are currently reviewing the contribution of agriculture and livestock to both regions.

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