
Golo Koe Festival 2024 Reaches Peak with Virgin Mary Procession

WINDONESIA August 19, 2024 The Sea Procession section of the Virgin Mary Assumpta Nusantara Sea and Land Procession, part of Golo Koe Festival 2024. (Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority)

The Virgin Mary Assumpta Nusantara Sea and Land Procession that took place on Aug. 14, 2024 is the main event of Golo Koe Maria Assumpta Nusantara Festival in Labuan Bajo Subdistrict, Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The procession was led by the Ruteng Bishop Monsignor (Mgr.) Siprianus Hormat and the Labuan Bajo Bishop-Elect Mgr. Maksimus Regus, and it was attended by thousands from the Ruteng Diocese as well as tourists.

The Virgin Mary Assumpta Nusantara Sea and Land Procession started from the Stella Maris Church to the Kampung Ujung Pier. The Saint Mary statue was then paraded during the Sea Procession using a pinisi-rigged ship. The procession was also accompanied by other ships, including four open deck ships and dozens of small wooden speedboats, through a route that crossed the waters of Monkey Island and Pede Beach to reach the Waterfront Marina Pier.

Upon arrival at the pier, the statue was greeted with dances from the Ngada and Bajawa Associations before being received in Manggarai tradition by the traditional elders in front of the Waterfront stage. The procession then continued by land to the Golo Koe Maria Cave in Wae Kelambu Village, Komodo District.

The Virgin Mary Assumpta Nusantara Sea and Land Procession was supported by Indonesian National Police (Polri)'s Labuan Bajo Water and Aviation Police (Polairud), the Labuan Bajo Harbormaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP), Polri's West Manggarai Police Department, the West Manggarai Regency Transportation Office, the THS (Tunggal Hati Suci)-THM (Tunggal Hati Maria) Community for pencak silat, and Labuan Bajo student representatives.

Theodora, a Catholic Christian congregation member who participated in this procession, stated that she felt touched and happy because she was able to follow the procession from the Stella Maris Church to the Golo Koe Maria Cave with thousands of other congregations members.

"Personally, this is my first time following this procession. I felt emotional mixed with happiness because I was able to follow the procession completely from the Stella Maris Church to Golo Koe [Maria Cave]. Especially since we usually pray together with family at home and with other people in the Church and KBG (Church-Based Community), while we do it together this time with thousands of other people reciting the same prayer throughout the journey," Theodora said.

The 2024 Golo Koe Festival is expected to provide an important momentum in encouraging the development of religious and cultural tourism to Labuan Bajo.


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