
West Kalimantan Presents Strategic Investment Downstreaming Roadmap

WINDONESIA July 19, 2024 Acting West Kalimantan Province Regional Secretary Mohammad Bari opening the Rakorda for the 2024 Strategic Investment Downstreaming Study in West Kalimantan Province in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan on July 18, 2024. (Antara/Rendra Oxtora).

The West Kalimantan Provincial Government has identified various issues and obstacles in the mineral and coal sectors as part of the preparation of the 2024 Strategic Investment Downstreaming Study.

"The Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) organized by the Investment Ministry/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) aims to present the Strategic Investment Downstreaming Roadmap. Its main focus is on acceleration and optimization to achieve the investment realization targets set in the 2022 Strategic Investment Downstreaming Roadmap," Acting West Kalimantan Province Regional Secretary Mohammad Bari stated in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, on July 18, 2024, while opening the Rakorda for the 2024 Strategic Investment Downstreaming Study in West Kalimantan Province.

"Various efforts are continuously being made by the government to boost both regional and national economies, primarily through increased investment," he said.

Bari also highlighted the importance of the Rakorda in identifying issues faced in the mineral and coal sectors.

"This meeting is also expected to identify problems from financial, legal, and technical aspects that hinder progress and the achievement of investment targets in the bauxite industry," he divulged.

Bari expressed hope that the study would not be limited to minerals and coal but also include other studies that could increase locally-generated revenue (PAD) and improve community welfare.

"Therefore, today's activities is very important in supporting downstreaming policies, and I hope that similar studies will not only focus on minerals and coal - but also on other matters in the future that impact PAD and community welfare," he said.

Bari also reminded that the downstreaming program had been proposed in the previous medium-term regional development plan (RPJMD) and is expected to have a positive impact according to the BKPM Ministry's strategic study, and its scope includes the oil and gas, mineral and coal, fisheries, as well as plantation sectors.

He emphasized the importance of investment, both domestic and foreign, in efforts to improve the economy and community welfare. In facing the global crisis, Bari also suggested the need for economic transformation by shifting from primary sector industries to value-added or downstream industries.

He hoped that the Rakorda could serve as a platform for industries in West Kalimantan to voice various regional issues and that BKPM could formulate the best solutions.

"Hopefully, this Rakorda will yield good results by creating a new economic ecosystem and increasing investment in West Kalimantan, thereby providing wider job opportunities for the community," Bari said.


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