

DKI Jakarta

Officially named the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia’s largest metropolis serves as the economic, cultural, and political hub of the country as well as the nation’s capital city. With a total area of 662,33 square kilometers, Jakarta is divided into five administrative regions: Central Jakarta, North Jakarta, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta, and the administrative regency of Thousand Islands. The province also has a metropolitan area that includes the satellite cities of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, and Cianjur (Jabodetabekpunjur).

Despite being the capital, Jakarta is undergoing legislative changes through the Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) bill, aligning with the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) Law for relocating the capital to Nusantara, East Kalimantan. Through this bill, Jakarta aims to be redefined as a global business and economic hub, akin to New York or Melbourne, while expanding its metropolitan area to include Cianjur regency in West Java and the South Tangerang municipality in Banten.

As of 2022, Jakarta’s population stands at 10.6 million people, making it the province with the highest population density in Indonesia, with 16,158 people per square kilometer. It is home to various ethnic groups, predominantly Javanese, alongside Betawi, Sundanese, Batak, Minang, and Malay. In terms of religion, the majority of Jakarta’s population are Muslims, totaling 9.4 million people, followed by Christians with 437,967 people, Hindus with 20,262 people, Buddhists with 393,919 people, Konghuchu with 1,739 people, and adherents of indigenous beliefs 417 people.

On its way to becoming a Smart City 4.0, the Jakarta Provincial Government established Jakarta Smart City (JSC). Operating under the authority of the Jakarta Provincial Government and the Jakarta Provincial Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Office (Diskominfotik), JSC aims to optimize technology in government affairs and public services for the benefit of all Jakarta residents.

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Jakarta’s Economy

As the largest metropolis in Southeast Asia, the DKI Jakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded Jakarta’s Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at constant prices in 2023 reaching Rp 2.050 trillion, indicating an economic growth of 4.96 percent from 2022. Based on this GRDP, the top three leading sectors that drive Jakarta’s economic growth are wholesale and retail trade, which reached Rp 321 trillion in GRDP, followed by information and communications at Rp 281 trillion, and the manufacturing industry at Rp 232 trillion.

Moreover, from an expenditure standpoint, Jakarta’s largest proportion came from the exports of goods and services at 66.29 percent, followed by household consumption (HCE) at 62.15 percent, and gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) at 34.24 percent.

In addition, data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) shows that the cumulative realization of foreign and direct investment in Jakarta until 2022 reaches Rp 53.8 trillion, constituting about 8.2 percent of the total national realization. This makes Jakarta the reigning top investment destination province in Indonesia, with popular sectors encompassing construction, tourism, technology and information, and trade. As for domestic investment, the construction sector dominated in 2022 with a value of Rp 28.8 trillion, while the realization of foreign investments was dominated by the transportation, warehouse, and telecommunications sector, reaching Rp 20 trillion.

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Latest News

February 21, 2025

The 2025 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) exhibition showcases various brands of electric vehicles (EVs) amid the national automotive industry trend towards electrification. IIMS 2025 Project Manager Rudi MF said interest in EV continues to be in an upward trend. Based on last year's data, battery EVs contributed 30 percent of total transactions at the preceiding 2024 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS).

"So the enthusiasm is quite large. One of them is in big cities. If we look into it, the number of EVs has started to increase. The opportunities are still there [to expand into the EV market] and there are more models now [at] attractive prices. We are also sure that [EV market] opportunities will continue to grow," said Rudi when met at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, North Jakarta Administrative City, Jakarta Special Capital Region on Feb. 16, 2025.

He noted that the purchase of EVs is stilll increasing amid the overall downward trend for car purchases.

"We found that many [brands] are offering EVs," Rudi said.

Meanwhile, Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita stated during his opening speech at IIMS 2025 that the government has shown a commitment to encouraging growth for the automotive industry, including EVs, in line with President Prabowo Subianto's direction. The mission was carried out by issuing an economic stimulus package for EV and hybrid vehicle tax incentives, which aim to maintain people's purchasing power.

"This package is expected to help the automotive sector, including in supporting the transition to environmentally friendly vehicles," he added.

Agus also emphasized the importance of collaboration between various stakeholders to create the latest breakthroughs in maintaining and increasing public interest in motorized vehicles, including EVs.

"The number of EVs reached more than 207,000 units last year, a fairly high increase of 78.2 percent compared to the previous year," he revealed.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said that public interest in EVs continues to increase, which is evident from the increase in home charging services (HCS) transactions and also public EV charging stations (SPKLU).

Throughout 2024, the number of HCS facilities jumped 302 percent from 9,393 units in 2023 to 28,356 units in 2024. The increase was also balanced by the rise in HCS kilowatt hours (kWh) of up to 403 percent from 2.9 million kWh in 2023 to 11.8 million kWh in 2024.

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