


Located on the Minahasa Peninsula, Gorontalo is a province that was formerly part of the North Sulawesi province until it was separated on December 5, 2000. Covering 12,025 square kilometers of land area, Gorontalo’s administrative region is divided into five regencies: Boalemo, Bolango, North Gorontalo, and Pohuato. The province is also home to one municipality, Gorontalo, which also serves as the province’s capital city.

Based on data from the Gorontalo Central Statistics Agency (BPS), as of 2022, Gorontalo has a population of 1.1 million people. Based on religious groups, the majority of residents in the province are Muslim, followed by Christians, Hindus, Catholics, Buddhists, and others. Regarding ethnic groups, the majority are Gorontaloan people who spread from North Sulawesi in the east towards Central Sulawesi in the west. Additionally, there are the Sama-Bajau people, sea nomads originating from the Southern Philippines, who reside in villages along the coast of Gorontalo. Other ethnic groups in Gorontalo are mostly people who migrated from other parts of Indonesia, such as the Javanese and Bugis people.

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Gorontalo’s economy

In 2023, the Gorontalo Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded the province’s Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at Rp 31.6 billion. The largest contributing sector to the GRDP data is the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector, which contributed Rp 11.3 billion. The next two sectors which significantly contribute to Gorontalo’s GRDP are the wholesale and retail trade sector, including the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, with Rp 4.1 billion, and the construction sector with Rp 3.4 billion.

In terms of exports, Gorontalo’s export value in 2024 amounts to US$55.1 million. The Philippines is listed as the province’s main export destination with an export value of US$19.8 million or approximately 36.01 percent of the total export value. Based on commodities, Gorontalo mostly exports corn with a Free on Board (FOB) value of US$17.8 million. Additionally, the province exports wood and wooden goods with a FOB value of US$14.6 million and US$14.5 million worth of fruits and nuts.

Gorontalo also has a national strategic project (PSN) being developed in the area, namely the Bulango Ulu dam.

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Latest News

February 16, 2025

The Gorontalo Provincial Government collaborated with civil society organizations, industry players, and academics at the regular meeting of the Joint Fisheries Management Committee (KPBP) Gorontalo to encourage the growth of the tuna fisheries industry. This initiative aims to strengthen synergy between stakeholders in sustainable fisheries resource management.

KPBP Gorontalo serves as a platform for cooperation to address various challenges in the fisheries sector, which is the main focus of development in Gorontalo Province.

"Gorontalo Province generates around Rp3.8 billion from the capture fisheries sector, and 40 percent of that is produced by the tuna, skipjack tuna, and mackerel tuna commodities. These 'primadonna' commodities are vital for the domestic market and to opportunities for export," said Gorontalo Province Marine and Fisheries Office Head Sila Nurainsyah Botutihe.

Gorontalo Province, which is surrounded by the Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Area (WPPNRI) 715 and 716 that included the Sulawesi Sea and Tomini Bay, has abundant fisheries potential. Those waters have been registered to earn the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for yellowfin tuna commodities so that fisheries industry players and fishermen who want to access the export market could swiftly do so.

"We are trying to get the Sustainable Fisheries Improvement Program and MSC certification requested by the European Union and United States (US) markets. The global market opportunity is very large, and good for the sustainability of Gorontalo's fisheries and economy. If we can answer this request, it is possible that our economy will continue to grow [well] and tuna stocks will remain sustainable in the next 10-20 years," said Indonesian Pole & Line and Handline Fisheries Association (AP2HI) Fisheries Manager Herman.

KPBP Gorontalo will also focus on increasing the capacity of fishermen in meeting legal requirements to access the export market. Interested fishermen will be assisted by civil society organizations, such as the Indonesian Fisheries and Community Foundation MDPI at the small-scale fisherman level and AP2HI at the industry level, to fulfill said requirements.

"The responsibility for increasing the productivity of the fisheries sector does not only lie on the shoulders of the regional government. [As] the government has limitations, we must work together to manage Gorontalo fisheries," said MDPI Director Yasmine Simbolon.

"The challenges of exporting to the US and European markets, such as the numerous requirements to fulfill [export] legality for small scale fishermen and [the fisheries] industry, are currently getting tougher [to overcome]. We hope that the regional government could help accelerate [the fulfillment of] export requirements," said Muhammad Saripi of PT Bintang Laut Sejahtera.

Gorontalo is also targeting to improve the quality of local tuna fisheries for consumption. KPBP Gorontalo focuses specifically on increasing domestic micro enterprise productivity through the management of fisheries production by coastal communities to help them achieve sustained economic growth.

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