
The 2024 Limboto Lake Charm Festival's Message of Peace

WINDONESIA June 28, 2024 Theatrical dancers at the 2024 Limboto Lake Charm Festival on Jun. 23, 2024. (Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry).

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Baparekraf) Head Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated during the 2024 Limboto Lake Charm Festival at Pentadio Resort on Jun. 23, 2024, that the festival is the time to amplify the Gorontalo people's message of peace and noble values.

Sandiaga expressed his admiration for the tale about the origins of Limboto Lake which is full of messages of peace. Said messages were presented in a theatrical dance performance that enlivened the opening of the festival, which was held from Jun. 22 to 24, 2024.

The dance tells the story of the conflict between two kingdoms around Lake Limboto. As a result of the conflict, the two kingdoms agreed to enter into a peace agreement known as the Payato Agreement, in which they vowed not to mistreat each other.

"I saw the extraordinary colossal dance. [It taught that] we should learn to always bring about peace while building a civilization," Sandiaga said.

For that reason, the minister also encouraged for the story to be broadcast in the form of a short film.

"[Short film] is a part of the film industry that is growing rapidly, and I encourage this [dance] to be made into a short film with a 10 to 15 minute duration and include it in the Monthly Film Festival which we initiated," Sandiaga said.

Meanwhile, Acting Gorontalo Governor Rudy Salahuddin appreciated the support given by the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry to the Limboto Lake Charm Festival, which has been held since 2011. Moreover, the event has developed from a regional-level event to a national one.

That development is proven by the success of the Lake Limboto Charm Festival in being included in the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry's event calendar, the Kharisma Event Nusantara (KEN).

"Lake Limboto has tourism potential that is rich in biodiversity, as well as strong cultural values that include processions, procedures, and rules of living which are regulated by the principles of Gorontalo customs with its 'Adat Bersendikan Syara, Syara Bersendikan Kitabullah' (customs based on sharia, sharia based on the Quran) philosophy" Rudy said.

At the same occasion, Gorontalo Regent Nelson Pomolango stated that the event was expected to increase awareness of Gorontalo Regency's tourism potential.

"We hope that with this [event], investment and attention from foreign communities to Gorontalo can continue to grow," Nelson said.

The Limboto Lake Charm Festival was also attended by the Tourism and Creative Economy Industry and Investment Deputy Rizki Handayani.


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