
Sorong Sets Rp800 Billion Investment Target for 2024

WINDONESIA July 17, 2024 Sorong Regional Secretariat General Administration Assistant III Hanock J. Talla and Sorong DPMPTSP Acting Head Zainab Jelfoom giving training participant identification cards in Sorong City, Southwest Papua on Jun. 26, 2024. (ANTARA/Yuvensius Lasa Banafa

The Sorong City Government has set an investment realization target of Rp800 billion for 2024. The goal is aimed to be achieved through the optimization of investment potential in the trade and services sectors.

Acting Sorong City Investment and Integrated One-Stop Integrated Services Agency (DPMPTSP) Head Zainab Jelfoom explained in Sorong on Jun. 26, 2024 that the city's investment target was set at Rp800 billion based on the central government's instruction. As a result, various concrete efforts have been and are being made to strengthen the role of business actors to support the realization of said target.

"Our goal is to achieve the investment target set by the central government by strengthening the understanding of business actors in Sorong City, whether micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) or otherwise" she explained.

The concrete efforts to support the investment realization target in Sorong City include conducting socialization about risk-based business licensing and supervision through the online single submission risk-based approach (OSS RBA) system.

The aim is for business actors to better understand the business licensing system, thus boosting the investment value to be realized optimally.

In addition to providing comprehension of the licensing system to business actors, efforts are also made to make them aware of their responsibility to report business activities through investment activity reports (LKPM).

"Through these reports, we can accurately understand the investment growth conditions of Sorong City," Zainab said.

Investment potential in Sorong City lies mainly in the trade and services sectors. These two sectors are set to be continuously optimized to achieve the investment realization target in Sorong City.

She acknowledged that almost 95 percent of non-MSME business actors in Sorong City already have business licenses. They are large entrepreneurs who has understood the licensing system.

Investment growth in Sorong City reached 80 to 90 percent by 2023.

"We are only in the second quarter of this year, so we cannot provide definite figures yet as the process is still ongoing," Zainab concluded.


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