
Southwest Papua

Papua – Southwest Papua

Southwest Papua, with its capital in the bustling city of Sorong, officially gained provincial status on November 17, 2022, through Law No. 29/2022. The province shares its borders with various neighboring regions: to the north, it adjoins the countries of the Philippines and Palau, as well as the Pacific Ocean; to the east, it borders West Papua’s regencies of Manokwari and Teluk Bintuni; to the west, it shares boundaries with the provinces of Maluku and North Maluku; and to the south, it is bordered by West Papua’s Fakfak and Kaimana regencies.

Covering a vast area of 38,820 square kilometers and home to over 600,000 individuals, Southwest Papua comprises five districts and a city, including Sorong regency, the city of Sorong itself, South Sorong regency, Maybrat regency, Tambrauw regency, and the Raja Ampat regency, known for its island paradise. Additionally, the province features a diverse range of landscapes from mountains to beaches, as well as a rich variety of cultures and wildlife.

Southwest Papua also boasts a diverse religious landscape. As of 2022, a majority of its population practices Christianity at 54.05 percent, and Catholicism at 7.16 percent. Islam also holds a significant presence in the province at 38.14 percent, while Hinduism and Buddhism each make up a smaller portion of the population with 0.1 percent each.

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Economic Description

In 2023, Southwest Papua's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) surged to Rp 24 trillion, marking a significant milestone considering its status as a newly established province. Among the key contributing sectors, mining and quarrying emerged as a formidable player, generating Rp 3.1 trillion in GRDP. This sector, encompassing activities such as crude petroleum, natural gas, and geothermal exploration, accounted for a substantial portion of the province's overall economic output, with contributions totaling Rp 1.9 trillion.

Furthermore, the construction industry played a pivotal role in driving economic growth, contributing Rp 3 trillion to Southwest Papua's GRDP. This sector's robust performance reflects ongoing infrastructure development initiatives and investment projects across the province, signaling confidence in its prospects and development trajectory.

Additionally, the agriculture, fisheries, and forestry sectors demonstrated resilience and stability, contributing Rp 2.8 trillion to the province’s GRDP in 2023. Southwest Papua holds promise for a thriving agricultural sector, with corn, peanuts, vegetables, sago, cattle, and chicken farming identified as areas with significant growth potential in the region.

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Latest News

September 11, 2024

The government expects the construction of three apartments for civil servants and the Indonesian Navy in Southwest Papua Province, which would be carried out with government support through the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry, to encourage the development of infrastructure in the new autonomous region.

PUPR Ministry Housing Director-General Iwan Suprijanto said that the apartments' construction is considered by the government to be very important and will provide many benefits, especially for civil servants who work in the province. Moreover, their locations are also near their respective office areas and in line with spatial planning developed by the Southwest Papua Provincial Government.

Iwan further explained that the PUPR Ministry will not just make vertical housing available. He elaborated that the ministry will also provide, among others, clean water, waste management, and road connectivity so that overall infrastructure development can run well and in an integrated manner.

"We hope that the apartments would provide Papua Barat Daya Provincial Government and PUPR Ministry civil servants who work in the region with a place to live. This (their construction) is an effort by the PUPR Ministry for infrastructure development equity in Indonesia," Iwan stated during the groundbreaking for the construction of said apartments on Sep. 5, 2024, as quoted from an official statement.

PUPR Ministry Papua II Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P) Head Ridwan Dibya Sudharta explained that there are three apartments that is being built to support the development of housing infrastructure in Southwest Papua. The first is the Southwest Papua Provincial Government ASN (civil servants) Apartment within said government's office area at Sorong Klamono KM 16 Road in Klaurung District, Sorong City, Southwest Papua.

"The land provided by the local government covering an area of ​​2 hectares (ha) is prepared for two towers, with one tower to be built in the first stage. The apartment will be constructed based on the Wisma Arunika Type apartment design, with each tower to have three floors that contains 44 residential units. Each unit spans 36 square meters (m2), and they have a combined capacity of 176 people. It is estimated to be completed in 300 calendar days by 2025," he said.

The second is the PUPR ASN Apartment, which is being constructed at Sungai Komundan Road in Klawuyuk Village, East Sorong District, Sorong City. The apartment's constructionis carried out on land owned by BWS with a land area of ​​1 ha. It will also be built based on the Wisma Arunika Type based on data from the Papua II P2P Center, but with only one tower.

The third is the Indonesian Navy Sorong Apartment in the Indonesian Navy Marine Forces 3 Area at Sorong Klamono KM 16 Road in Klaurung District, Sorong City.

"Nindya Karya is the contractor that will build [those apartments], and we hope that the construction process could be completed by the middle of next year based on the apartment design type being used for them. We hope for the support of the local government for the apartments' construction, and we will equip it with furniture so that civil servants [who will stay there] only need bring their clothes," Ridwan explained.

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