
Investment Ministry Supports Sulteng Expo 2024

WINDONESIA June 6, 2024 A visitor at one of Sulteng Expo stands in Palu, Central Sulawesi. (ANTARA/Nur Amalia).

The Investment Ministry/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) endorses the Sulteng Expo 2024 as a means to boost investment in Indonesia, particularly in Central Sulawesi Province.

"The Investment Ministry, which is tasked with maintaining the investment climate and investment ratio in Indonesia to support economic growth, fully supports events like this. The event will enhance investment in Central Sulawesi and Indonesia, and improve people's welfare," said Investment Ministry/BKPM Regional Potential Development Director Suhartono at the opening of Sulteng Expo 2024 in Palu City on Apr. 25, 2024.

Suharnoso emphasized that a country's or region's economic growth closely depends on the incresaed relaxation of regulations for investment in that area. This was evident to him from the substantial investment in Central Sulawesi, which leverages the province's natural resources, making its economic growth the second highest in Indonesia.

To sustain that investment momentum, Suhartono stressed the importance of developing and identifying investment potential to create ready-to-offer opportunities for investors, one of which is through the Sulteng Expo 2024.

"Without those efforts, the development of investment [regulation] relaxation in a country or region will not be sustainable. Regions relying on natural resources need continuous innovation to prevent depletion," he said.

Suhartono highlighted the need to innovate, especially by developing the potential of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"For innovation, the state supports this through Government Regulation No. 7/2021, which facilitates the development and support for MSMEs across Indonesia, with various facilities provided by the government through all ministries and central and regional government institutions," he said.

This includes making it easier for MSMEs to obtain legal status, thus simplifying the process of starting a business in Indonesia. Support for MSMEs is further bolstered by financing and coaching programs from Bank Indonesia and the Law and Human Rights Ministry's Central Sulawesi Regional Office, which are crucial for driving the economy and influencing economic growth in Indonesia.

Additionally, BKPM has issued regulations requiring large companies with foreign and domestic nvestments to partner with MSMEs.

"This partnership provides MSMEs with a guaranteed market, enabling their production to be directly absorbed," Suhartono explained.

He emphasized that it is a collective responsibility to guide MSMEs to innovate and improve product quality, ensuring they can collaborate effectively with large companies and support investment activities in Indonesia.


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