Honay Aikwa Lorentz, Tambang Mineral Papua break ground for HONCEN
January 26, 2025PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz and PT Tambang Mineral Papua did a groundbreaking ceremony for the HONCEN Capital Expenditure (Capex) Site in Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province where a cement and a ceramic factory will be built. The event was combined with a traditional stone burning ceremony held on the Trans Nabire Mile 32 road, specifically in the Kali Waga-waga field.
Traditional Customs Leader as well PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz Commissioner Panius Kogoya admitted that he was grateful for the presence of a cement and ceramic factory in Mimika Regency, which will utilize PT Freeport Indonesia's tailings.
"With the presence of a technological waste management industry that requires a lot of capital, we all hope to get a positive impact to improve the welfare and progress of the community through the creation of new jobs that prioritize [hiring] to be comprised of 80 percent of indigenous Papuans (OAPs)," he said.
Penius also hopes that the entire local community, especially the seven tribes, could provide support and encouragement to HONCEN because the company claimed that it is oriented to prioritize improved welfare for OAPs.
"We should not need to fight if there are problems and differences of opinion between us related to the operation of the cement and ceramic factories. The issue could be resolved well with civility, which is in line with indigenous Papuans' customs," he concluded.
Meanwhile, PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz President Director Fenty Widyawati expressed her gratitude that the 14 year of work has managed to get the program to this point.
"We ask for your prayers that we will have the [program's] infrastructure running within the next 3 months. We will prioritize the road first, then the construction of the ceramic factory. The cement factory is then [targeted to be constructed] by mid-2026," she added.
Fenty said that the cement and ceramic factories were built to utilize PTFI's tailings. The total investment reached for both facilities reached Rp3.1 trillion, and they will be operated in a profit-sharing cooperation system with PT Tambang Mineral Papua. The company's long-term target is projected to encompass more than 25 years, with Papua Island and the country of Papua New Guinea as the company's special target markets.
"The first phase is designed to produce up to 21 million tons of cement per year after fully operating in 2026," she said.
The construction of the cement and ceramic factory can create 500 to 900 jobs in the construction and initial operational stages.
"80 percent of workforce to be recruited would be OAPs of productive age, regardless of whether they are high school or vocational high school graduates," Fenty concluded.