
Chinese Investors Construct Factory in Tanjung Ular Industrial Park

WINDONESIA August 9, 2024 West Bangka DPMPTSP Head Yuwanda Eka Putra. ( Dwi Putra)

Garuda Kopan Berjaya invested tens of billions of rupiah to build a processing factory for rare earth metals and other associated minerals, in West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

West Bangka Regency Investment and One Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) Head Yuwanda Eka Putra stated that the factory is being constructed at the Tanjung Ular Industrial Park in Air Putih Village, Mentok District, West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands.

He said that the factory construction progress has so far reached 40 percent completion, and estimated that it will be completed by November 2024.

"This is the first foreign investment in 2024 [to West Bangaka Regency] and we have coordinated for it. They (the investors) have carried out the physical construction of factories and equipment. The investment value is Rp11 billion and the realized value is Rp2.8 billion," Yuwanda said  on Aug. 9, 2024.

Yuwanda said that the investors from China would manage rare earth metals and other associated minerals. He conveyed the benefits of these rare earth metals include being raw materials for batteries, cell phones, computers, the electronics industry, and renewable energy-based power plants.

"There they (the investing company) separated rare earth metals. Starting from zircon, elminate, quartz, cassiterite, monazite and pyrite. Production is estimated at 500 tons per four days," he explained.

Yuwanda said that the DPMPTSP fully supports the establishment of a rare earth metal processing factory because it will have a positive impact on the regional government and the local community.

"They (the investors) are committed to using our workforce. Then there are other benefits in terms of type C excavation levies that would generate revenue for the region," he said.


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