BSN Supports North Maluku's Quality Infrastructure
WINDONESIA October 1, 2024
The National Standardization Agency (BSN) is committed to supporting the efforts of the North Maluku Provincial Government in strengthening quality infrastructure to increase the competitiveness of North Maluku Province's superior products in the domestic and global markets.
BSN Standards and Conformity Assessment Implementation Deputy Zakiyah emphasized that goal in a meeting with the North Maluku Provincial Government, which took place at the North Maluku Governor's Office in Sofifi City, Halmahera Island on Sep. 12, 2024.
Eight testing laboratories to support conformity assessment activities have been made available for North Maluku's food industry as well as the base metals and non-metallic minerals industry, which are two of five leading industries included in the 2021-2041 North Maluku Provincial Industrial Development Plan (RPIP).
BSN fully supports the efforts of the North Maluku Provincial Government to increase the province's competitiveness index by synergizing in the development of conformity assessment institutions, namely laboratories and product certification institutions, facilitating the implementation of Indonesian National Standards (SNI) by North Maluku regional governments and business actors.
The other leading sectors in North Maluku RPIP 2021-2041, namely agroindustry, the textile, leather, footwear, and miscellaneous industry, as well as the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and medical devices industry, have yet to have available testing facilities.
However, Zakiya noted that the existing development of the quality infrastructure could already contribute to raising employment and providing opportunities for college graduates to develop their abilities in the field of standardization and conformity assessment.
The testing laboratories that have been accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) for the food sector are the Fish Quarantine Station, Ternate Fishery Product Quality and Safety Control, Ternate Fishery Product Quality Development and Testing Laboratory, and the Animal, Fish, and Plant Quarantine Center.
For the base metals and non-metallic mining industry sector, the KAN-accredited testing facilities are provided by the Antam North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit Laboratory, Intertek Utama Services, the Weda Bay Branch of Anindya Wiraputra Konsult, and the Sofifi Branch of Geoservices.
Meanwhile, North Maluku Province Regional Secretary Abubakar Abdullah expressed his support for BSN's contribution to efforts to strengthen North Maluku Province's quality infrastructure so the quality of products from the province could be improved, and hoped that the meeting also became a momentum for partnerships that brings positive contributions.
North Maluku Province Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Head Muhammad Sarmin S. Adam added that the competitiveness of local products needs to be improved by implementing good standardization in the entire production process chain, from upstream to downstream.
The application of standards for products made from clove and nutmeg plants needs to be considered, because they have great potential to be developed as among North Maluku's leading products based on the province's geographical character. The strategy and planning to increase the competitiveness of North Maluku products will be formulated in the future to include cooperation and collaboration with the central government's ministries and other institutions as well as other provinces.
Meanwhile, North Maluku Province Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda) Head Mulyadi Wowor conveyed the need to immediately allocate the development of test laboratories for the mining and fisheries sectors.
The meeting was also attended by several other North Maluku officials, namely the North Maluku Province Regional Secretariat Leadership Administration Bureau Head Rahwan K. Suamba, the North Maluku Province Archive and Library Office Head Muliadi Tutupoho, and North Maluku Province Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) representatives.