
BI Involves Pokdarwis in Cenderawasih Festival

WINDONESIA May 21, 2024 Tourism destination Anggopi Beach in Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province. (ANTARA/HO-Yanu)

The Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office for Papua involved three tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis) in the Cenderawasih Festival to explore the Papua province's tourism potential.

BI Papua Regional Economic and Financial Policy Implementation Team (KEKDA) Head Dandung Tri Marsetyo stated in Jayapura City, Papua on May 14, 2024 that the three groups are Pokdarwis Manduasari from Biak Regency, Kampung Enggros, and Kampung Tablasupa. The event aims to pave the way for the revitalization of Papua's tourism sector.

"Through the activity, we hope it becomes the initial momentum to uncover Papua's potentitourismal, as the tourism sector is very promising as a new economic source," he said.

According to Dandung, the event fosters synergy between the government, the Association of Indonesian Tour and Travel Agencies (ASITA), and pokdarwis to enable collective action.

"While the [festival's] impact may not be immediate and needs to go through a process since awareness and understanding about how the tourism sector [of Papua] will develop are needed," he said.

Dandung explained that the public has not been aware of Papua's tourism potential, despite Papuan tourism sector's richness and its ability to compete with other regions' tourism sectors.

Meanwhile, there are a few new sources of economic growth for the province according to BI: agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and the creative economy.

"Agriculture and fisheries are already known [by the public], but tourism and the creative economy need to be acknowledged and encouraged to fully open up these sectors by identifying their markets," he added.

Dandung also noted that the inaugural Cenderawasih Festival held from May 17 to 19, 2024, in Jayapura City invited Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) members and Indonesian Retailers Association (APRINDO) members from Papua and Jakarta, as well as Association of Indonesian Tour and Travel Agencies (ASITA) members from Papua and West Papua.

"And equally important [for the event] is the participation of speakers discussing new sources of economic growth as well as the provision of an education and literacy corner," he concluded.


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