
Two apartment towers to be built in Highland Papua

WINDONESIA December 26, 2024 Housing and Settlement Areas Minister Maruarar Sirait. (Antara/Muhammad Iqbal, Tom)

The government plans to build two apartment towers in the Highland Papua Province. Housing and Settlement Areas Minister Maruarar Sirait said that the apartments' construction were carried out to provide decent housing for the local community and encourage equitable development in the Papua region.

"We have budgeted for the multi-year construction of apartments [in the state budget]," he said on Nov. 7, 2024.

Maruarar explained that the government is trying to increase infrastructure development, especially decent housing for people throughout Indonesia, including in Highland Papua. He divulged that the Housing and Settlement Areas Ministry will coordinate with the Highland Papua Provincial Government to facilitate the development's implementation.

"We consider all technical aspects as the logistics involved are not easy [to work with] because, if I'm not mistaken, everything [delivered] from Jayapura [City] must use planes, including heavy equipment. We also consider the security aspect," Maruarar explained.

In addition, he conveyed that cross-sector coordination for the construction of 3 million houses is also very much needed so that there is robust planning for said program.

"In the cabinet meeting, President Prabowo also always reminded us all not to be corrupt [in executing the project]. Don't let the [resulting] buildings be unoccupied. The most important thing [for the project] is to be planned and coordinated carefully," Maruarar added.


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