
Surabaya Struggle Parade 2024 commemorates Heroes' Day

WINDONESIA December 4, 2024 A photo of the ceremony for Heroes' Day. (Tourism Ministry)

Indonesia's Heroes' Day every Nov. 10 is celebrated enthusiastically by people throughout Indonesia, especially in Surabaya City. The city witnessed the history of the struggle of Indonesian revolutionaries during the Indonesian War for Independence.

The East Javan held the Surabaya Struggle Parade on Nov. 1 to 3, 2024 to commemorate the occasion.

The Surabaya Struggle Parade also featured a battle reenactment with thousands of residents and participants paraded wearing revolutionary soldier-era costumes, commemorating the legendary battle in Surabaya.

The parade began at the Heroes' Monument, a symbol of the people's courage in rejecting post-independence colonialism. Participants toured the city, passing important historical points in the great battle.

Various military vehicles, including replica jeeps and tanks, enlivened the atmosphere of the parade. Those equipment of war created an atmosphere of struggle, as if the audicence was taken back to 1945.

The spirit to never giving up of the arek-arek Suroboyo was the main focus of the commemoration. Through the reenactment, the message of courage and sacrifice was passed on to the younger generation who witnessed it. The parade was witnessed by thousands of enthusiastic people, including students, soldiers, and history enthusiasts.


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