
South Kalimantan Governor Proposes Changes for Jamkrida Kalsel

WINDONESIA June 28, 2024 South Kalimantan Governor Birin introducing Raperdas on Jamkrida Kalsel during the South Kalimantan DPRD's plenary meeting on Jun. 19, 2024. (ANTARA/Syamsuddin Hasan).

South Kalimantan Governor H. Sahbirin "Birin" Noor proposed for a change in the legal form of Jamkrida Kalsel and for the injection of additional capital to the region-owned enterprise.

Birin submitted the proposal on the regional loan guarantee enterprise at the South Kalimantan Regional Legislative Council (DPRD)'s plenary meeting, which was chaired by South Kalimantan DPRD Speaker H. Supian HK, in Banjarmasin on Jun. 19, 2024.

Birin explained that the submission of the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Changes in the Legal Form of Jamkrida to PT Jamkrida Perseroda fulfills the mandate of Law No. 23/2014.

The South Kalimantan Governor, who is serving his second term, hopes that the Raperda could be passed to become the legal basis for encouraging the management optimization and increasing the capacity of the region-owned enterprise in carrying out their missions.

"Among the South Kalimantan BUMD's missions as 'agents of development' is through providing loan guarantees to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as increasing locally-generated income (PAD)," he stated.

Birin, who is also Functional Groups Party (Golkar)'s South Kalimantan Chairman, added that Jamkrida Kalsel's other missions include support for economic growth as well as to provide income and employment for the people.

The governor also hopes that Jamkrida can optimize regional income, improve the local people's standard of living by supporting "people-centered economy, and aid the region's growth in all fields of development.

However, Birin did not mention the amount of additional capital to be injected by South Kalimantan to the Jamkrida in the during his speech introducing the relevant Raperda.

Separately, South Kalimantan DPRD Budget Comittee (Banggar) member H. Suripno Sumas stated that the South Kalimantan Provincial Government's capital participation to Jamkrida Kalsel will reach about Rp105 billion.

"The [South Kalimantan Provincial Government's] capital investment [to Jamkrida Kalsel] will reach around Rp 98 billion in funds and Rp7 billion in regional assets" the South Kalimantan DPRD representative said.

Suripno explained that the capital participation in funds will be realized in two phases, with Rp48 billion injected in the 2024 fiscal year and Rp50 billion to be added in the 2025 fiscal year.

At the same occasion as the announcement of policies for Jamkrindo Kalsel, Birin also introduced the submission of a Raperda on  the Wealth Management Results for Separated Wealth and Other Legitimate PAD along with the Raperda on the 2025-2045 South Kalimantan Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD).


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