
Realized Investments to Bulungan Reached Rp880 Billion in Q1 2024

WINDONESIA July 13, 2024 Tanah Kuning-Mangkupadi KIPI under construction. (

Realized investment to Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province reached Rp880 billion in the first quarter (Q1) of 2024.

Information obtained from the application of the North Kalimantan Province's Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency (DPMPTSP) indicates that most of the realized investments came from foreign sources.

A total of 21 foreign companies submitted their Investment Activity Reports (LKPM) at the beginning of 2024 through the North Kalimantan DPMPTSP .

North Kalimantan DPMPTSP Junior Expert Investment Manager Rahman Putrayani of DPMPTSP North Kalimantan, revealed that the investments in Q1 2024 created employment for 363 workers, consisting of 264 Indonesian workers and 99 foreign workers.

He added that Bulungan's investment realization performance has reached about 10 percent of the Rp7.84 trillion total investment target for 2024.

Rahmat explained that the realized investment was dominated by Kalimantan Aluminum Industry's investment in the Tanah Kuning-Mangkupadi Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia (KIPI) green industrial park within East Tanjung Palas District, which accounted for Rp830.08 billion or 94 percent of total realized investment to the regency.

Additionally, Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) recorded an investment realization of Rp18.72 billion for the construction of a hydropower plant on the upstream of the Kayan River in Peso District.

Other investment realizations exceeding Rp10 billion were recorded by two palm oil plantation companies in Bulungan. These are Prima Bahagia Permai with Rp11.82 billion and Tunas Borneo Plantations with Rp10.83 billion.


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