
PNM Fully Supports GENCARKAN Initiated by OJK

Front Row (The Jakarta Post) August 27, 2024 (Permodalan Nasional Madani)

To promote financial literacy and inclusion, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has launched the National Financial Literacy Movement (GENCARKAN). This initiative was introduced as part of the Indonesia Savings Day at JIEXPO, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, attended by Arief Mulyadi, president director of Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM), as a keynote speaker.

Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Mahendra Siregar, emphasized that financial literacy and inclusion are crucial for enhancing liquidity, deepening markets, and channeling financing to support national economic growth. Therefore, the OJK invites all parties to collaborate in making the program a success.

"We will orchestrate a national movement involving all stakeholders to boost financial literacy and inclusion, known as the National Financial Literacy Movement or GENCARKAN," said Mahendra on Aug. 22, 2024.

Active collaboration will undoubtedly accelerate the achievement of the GENCARKAN program’s primary objectives, including boosting MSME access to credit to combat loan sharks and accelerating the use of financial products by a third of the disabled population.

"We hope to see the national financial inclusion index reach 98 percent by the Golden Indonesia celebration in 2045," he added.

As a non-bank financial institution focused on empowering ultra-micro businesses, Arief expressed strong support for this noble initiative. He considers it a privilege for PNM to participate in this program spearheaded by the OJK.

PNM corporate secretary, L. Dodot Patria Ary, affirmed PNM's readiness to fully support financial literacy and inclusion efforts, particularly among the subsistence groups that are PNM's target clients. Enhancing financial literacy aligns with the capital provided by PNM, beyond just financial capital for business development. Moreover, the majority of PNM Mekaar clients are still unbankable.

"PNM Mekaar's pre-prosperous mothers will be able to compete and become more productive if their competencies are also improved. It has always been our commitment to provide financial literacy and inclusion as part of the three types of capital we offer: financial, intellectual, and social," Dodot explained. He believes that PNM truly needs GENCARKAN.

Dodot also highlighted the potential multiplier effect of providing financial literacy to PNM Mekaar clients. "Another fact is that among the 16 million mothers currently active as clients, each has an average of one child, meaning at least 16 million children are also being educated in financial literacy," he concluded.


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