
Pertamina Encourages Optimization of Refineries for National Energy Resilience

Front Row (The Jakarta Post) August 14, 2024 Pertamina President Commissioner Simon Aloysius Mantiri, along with Pertamina Independent Commissioner Condro Kirono, KP Human Resources & Business Support Director Tenny Elfrida, and KPI Independent Commissioner Prabu Revolusi visit the Green Refinery a

Pertamina President Commissioner Simon Aloysius Mantiri continues to provide support to all of Pertamina's business units, the latest being a visit to Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Refinery Unit (RU) IV Cilacap on Aug. 6, 2024.

On that occasion, Simon expressed the need to continue providing support and encouragement to the management in carrying out their tasks and operational activities in the field.

“The aim is for Pertamina's business units to operate in accordance with good corporate governance and, of course, to meet the targets that have been set and will be achieved by the company. Additionally, this is an important part of our efforts to continue striving for national energy resilience,” stated Simon.

He continued that more than resilience, we must also strive for self-sufficiency, which will certainly impact all aspects of national life.

“In the energy sector during the transition toward green energy, we have to continue to innovate by involving all company stakeholders, such as the government themselves and academics. We have to unite all our strengths to continue encouraging the work of the children of the nation so they can contribute to achieving national goals,” explained Simon.

Simon said that to meet these needs, a commitment to hard work and unity is necessary. “This will make KPI RU IV Cilacap stronger, more self-reliant, and gain added value, thereby reducing imports,” he explained.

Supporting this, Prabu Revolusi, KPI's independent commissioner, stated that it is necessary to build a green energy ecosystem.

“The main point is that we don't want to be the only ones using this; in the future, we want to achieve energy independence, and that's the road map. We need to build the ecosystem and prepare it as well, because the most competent in this area is Pertamina,” Prabu stated.

Additionally, according to Prabu, government regulations also need to be completed or confirmed promptly. “When the refinery is ready and completed, and the regulations are clear, all products produced by KPI can be effectively absorbed by the public,” Prabu said.

Pertamina corporate communication vice president Fadjar Djoko Santoso added that Pertamina is present for the nation through the optimization of upstream and downstream energy roles in supporting national energy resilience. This includes optimizing Pertamina’s refineries and other business operations.

Also present at the event were Pertamina Independent Commissioner Condro Kirono, KPI HR and Business Support Director Tenny Elfrida, and KPI RU IV Cilacap General Manager Edy Januari Utama.


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