
Pertamina and JOGMEC Strengthen Methane Emissions Commitment

Front Row (The Jakarta Post) September 9, 2024 Japanese Economy, Trade, and Industry Minister Ken Saito and Indonesian Investment Minister Rosan P. Roeslani inaugurate the cooperation between Pertamina and JOGMEC on a joint study for the measurement and quantification of methane emissions in the Dongg

State-owned energy enterprise Pertamina and the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) have announced the signing of a joint-study agreement (JSA) to strengthen cooperation in methane emissions measurement and quantification.

This synergy aims to conduct a comprehensive study to measure and quantify methane emissions from upstream oil and gas activities, as well as encourage efforts to reduce methane emissions in the Donggi-Matindok Block and JOB Tomori. The JSA embodies both parties’ commitment to addressing the important issue of reducing methane emissions in the energy sector to accelerate the energy transition and address climate change.

The JSA was signed at the AZEC Ministerial Meeting 2024 in Jakarta by Pertamina strategy, portfolio and business development director Salyadi Saputra, Pertamina EP Region 4 director Muhamad Arifin, JOB Pertamina Medco E&P general manager Tomori Sulawesi Andry, as well as JOGMEC board member and executive vice president Hiroyuki Mori.

The JSA is a continuation of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) that was previously signed at the ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Forum, which was held on the sidelines of the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) Ministerial Meeting 2023 in Tokyo.

Emphasizing the importance of this collaboration, Salyadi said that the MoU’s signing marks Pertamina's step forward to achieve net-zero emissions (NZE) by 2060 or sooner. Accurate measurement of methane emissions is very important because methane has 28 times greater potential to trigger global warming than carbon dioxide, so reducing emissions is important for Pertamina to mitigate climate change.

"The partnership with JOGMEC will support us in aligning with global best practices and improving Pertamina's ability to manage methane emissions," he explained.

Pertamina corporate communications VP Fadjar Djoko Santoso stated that Pertamina was the first Indonesian company to join the Oil & Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), a global initiative for reporting and mitigating methane gas and Pertamina's collaboration with JOGMEC reflects Pertamina's commitment to reducing methane emissions.

"We hope to increase collaboration in the future to encourage sustainable business [practices] across Pertamina's businesses. Pertamina can lead the management of methane gas by synergizing with industry leaders and adopting new technologies, which could ultimately support [the realization of] Indonesia's [Paris Agreement-based] nationally determined contribution [NDC] for the energy sector," he added.

Hiroyuki Mori is enthusiastic about the collaboration between Pertamina and JOGMEC, with both parties having long synergized in the development of energy resources with a good relationship.

"We look forward to working together through this JSA on this challenging project related to methane emission management in the natural gas value chain. Through this project, we will conduct a study on effective ways to reduce methane emissions by using methods in line international standards and based on actual conditions in Southeast Asia," he said.

The ongoing cooperation between Pertamina and JOGMEC as part of AZEC highlights the commitment of both parties to facing global environmental challenges and moving toward a sustainable future. The AZEC meeting is an important forum for discussion, as well as advancing decarbonization and energy transition efforts.


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