
Miss Tourism Maluku Calls on Youth to Preserve Culture

WINDONESIA June 14, 2024 From left to right, 2021 Miss Tourism Maluku Province, Soekarni Francha Ohoiulun, and Ambon City singer Willy Sopacua

The Evav Culture Festival 2024, or the Kei Cultural Festival organized by the Southeast Maluku Regency Government in collaboration with the Maluku Province Culture Agency, involves not only artists, cultural figures, and the arts community but also notable personalities such as the 2021 Miss Tourism Maluku Soekarni Francha Ohoiulun and Ambon City singer Willy Sopacua.

The inaugural edition of this cultural event in Kei Islands within Southeast Maluku Regency aims to celebrate and promote Kei culture. During the festival, Soekarni and Willy encouraged the youth, especially those in Southeast Maluku, to preserve and introduce Kei culture to the global community.

"I urge Southeast Maluku's younger generation and cultural enthusiasts to continue to love Kei culture. Despite being in the modern Millennial era, we must never forget Kei culture. Always remember the Larvul Ngabal traditional law, which is always near to our hearts and souls," said Soekarni.

Willy Sopacua, the singer of "Beta Pilihan Bukan Tujuan" (I'm [Your] Selection, Not [Your] Goal) echoed this sentiment. He expressed pride in performing at the Kei Cultural Festival and emphasized the importance of introducing Kei culture through music.

In addition to his hit songs, Willy performed "Ning Nuhu Tanat Sus Beb," a song by the late Eky Tallaut, a Kei Island artist.

"To all my brothers and sisters, I am proud to be here in Kei. I myself am a native of Ohoinol [Village in East Kei Kecil District, Southeast Maluku Regency, Maluku]. Thank you to the [Maluku] Culture Agency for organizing the Evav Culture Festival 2024. This event is crucial for introducing Kei culture," said Willy.

Maluku Culture Agency History, Tradition, and Arts Division Head Lia Koedoeboen stated that the Kei Cultural Festival serves as a platform for artists to reconnect and showcase their talents. The event also aims to be an educational medium that positively provokes, stimulates, and develops the potential and creativity of the nation's youth.


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