
Manokwari Customs and Excise supports export of superior local commodities

WINDONESIA February 4, 2025 Manokwari Customs and Excise Head Didit Prayudi Sidharta. (klikpapua/Gemelin)

The Finance Ministry Customes and Excise Directorate-General's Manokwari Regency Type C Customs and Excise Office is trying to encourage exports of various superior local commodities from West Papua to improve the regional economy and introduce the wealth of local natural resources to the international market.

Manokwari Customs and Excise Head Didit Prayudi Sidharta said that export revenues have so far been dominated by products from PT SDIC Manokwari, but there have been no exports from West Papua's natural products.

"Even though there is a lot of natural potential that can be exported, such as tuna," he said on Jan. 23, 2025.

Didit added that Manokwari Customs and Excise will encourage export activities of natural resources, especially in fisheries.

"South Manokwari Regency chocolate has become known abroad, but it was not promoted as a West Papua product but was instead branded by other regions," Didit said.

"We have approached Ebier Suth Cokran Ransiki Cooperative several times, [and] we are planning for the first export of Ransiki chocolate," he added.

In addition to tuna, crab, and chocolate, Manokwari Customs and Excise is also pushing for the export of coffee from the Warmare District of Manokwari Regency.

"This year we will try to export to Singapore, for which we are still finding the market [for the product] first," said Didit.

The Manokwari Customs and Excise continues to try to find prospective exporters from both micro, small, and medium enterprises and corporations, and then assist their maritime or naval shipping and financing processes.

"There have been no exports for natural commodities for three years, the obstacle to exporting is when a market is found [for the commodities] but there are not enough commodities that meet the demand," he explained.


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