
KKP to Hold ITIBF 2024 in June

WINDONESIA June 25, 2024 Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry ahead of the ITIBF on Jun. 25, 2024.

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry is boosting upstream and downstream investments to tuna fisheries through the Indonesia Tuna Investment and Business Forum (ITIBF), which will be held in Surabaya, East Java on Jun. 25, 2024.

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP)'s Marine and Fisheries Products Competitiveness Improvement (PDSPKP) Directorate-General Secretary Machmud said that the activities which are part of the Year of Tuna program is enacted in response to the positive trend in Indonesia's tuna, skipjack tuna, mackerel tuna trade. There will also be will be discussions ranging from sustainable management of tuna resources to fish protein hydrolyzate technology at the forum.

Machmud revealed that the global trade value of tuna-skipjack-cob commodities rose from US$14.37 billion in 2017 to US$16.81 billion in 2022.

"This means that demand has continued to increase," said Machmud.

The increase in demand for tuna on a global scale provides an opportunity for Indonesia to reap profits. The year-on-year (yoy) growth trend in demand for Indonesian tuna, skipjack tuna, and mackerel tuna is high compared to other exporters of said commodities, reaching 29.3 percent.

Machmud is optimistic that the value of Indonesian tuna exports can still be increased. This optimism is in line with the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry's success in negotiating the eliminate the tariff on processed tuna to the Japanese market thanks to the Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA).

The agreement is expected to start being implemented by the end of 2024.

"There is a big opportunity and potential, therefore we need to work together to optimize the tuna commodity," Machmud said.

KKP's Capture Fisheries Director-General Fish Resources Management Director Ridwan Mulyana emphasized Indonesia's commitment to tuna sustainability that is demonstrated by the country's participation in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RMFOs), which are international organizations formed by countries for the benefit of fishing activities in a region.

"Specifically for tuna, we are registered as members of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), and the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)," Ridwan explained.

A business agreement between the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) and the Indonesian Longline Tuna Association (ATLI) will also be announced at the ITIBF, the announcement of several trade contracks, followed by a confirmation of the empowerment commitment between the private sector and tuna groups to implement tuna management based on the principles of traceability, sustainability, and justice.

KKP's PDSPKP Directorate-General Business and Investment Director Catur Sarwanto divulged that KKP invited 300 participants consisting of fish processing units (UPI), trade representatives of partner countries, regional heads, supporting industries such as logistics, cold chain systems, retail chains, hotels and restaurants, as well as tuna certification institutions.

"This forum is the KKP's effort to practice tuna science, namely to always develop and have an impact on society," Catur said .

Previously, Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono assessed that tuna cultivation has strong potential to be developed in 2024 so that sustainable production could eventually be achieved.


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