
Investments to West Kalimantan in H1 2024 Reaches Rp14.39 Trillion

WINDONESIA September 9, 2024 BPS West Kalimantan report on data about the West Kalimantan economy. (West Kalimantan Province Media Center)

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has released the latest data for the West Kalimantan Province's economy, which recorded a solid growth rate of 4.76 percent year-on-year (yoy) in the second quarter (Q2) of 2024. Overall, the West Kalimantan economy rose by 4.87 percent yoy in the first half (H1) 2024, indicating towards a well-maintained economic development.

West Kalimantan Province Acting Regional Secretary Mohammad Bari stated that the province's economic growth was supported by its agricultural sector, which grew by 3.78 percent yoy and contributed to 21.84 percent of overall economic growth. Meanwhile, the industrial sector rose by 4.33 percent yoy and contributed to 15.36 percent of overall economic growth.

"The growth is in line with growth in plantation production, the food and beverage industry, and other fields of business," Bari said Bari while attending the BPS West Kalimantan Province's report in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan on Sep. 2, 2024.

Bari also highlighted the importance of maintaining a conducive investment climate, as reflected in West Kalimantan's Rp14.39 trillion realized investment in the January-June 2024 period, or about 53.21 percent of the national target for the province.

Those investments were directed to the plantation industry, processing industry, and national strategic projects such as the BAI Alumina Smelter and the Ketapang Industrial Estate.

In addition, Bari said that West Kalimantan has succeeded in maintaining a low inflation rate and the people's purchasing power, which contributes to the stability of the regional economy.

"With this achievement, we are sure that West Kalimantan will continue to develop towards better progress and prosperity," he said.

In an effort to strengthen economic growth, Bari emphasized the importance of synergy between parties and the use of data released by BPS for development planning and evaluation.

"I ask the heads of regional offices and their staff to really pay attention towards and understand the data reported by BPS so that it can be immediately followed up as material for planning and evaluating the development of West Kalimantan. With the spirit of togetherness and hard work, we are sure that West Kalimantan will continue to develop towards better progress and prosperity," he concluded.


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