
Investments to South Kalimantan Exceed Rp7 trillion

WINDONESIA May 20, 2024 South Kalimantan DPMPTSP Head Endri on May 13, 2024. (

Realized investment to South Kalimantan in the first quarter (Q1) of 2024 reached almost Rp7.04 trillion. With that achievement, the province of South Kalimantan has moved up to 11th place in Indonesia in terms of realized investments from its previous ranking of 15th.

“The coal mining sector still dominates realized investment investment to South Kalimantan, especially in the Tanah Bumbu and Kotabaru Regencies,” South Kalimantan Province Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) Head Endri stated in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan on May 13, 2024.

Of the more than Rp7 trillion realized investment, domestic investment dominates by accounting for Rp5.4 trillion. The Tanah Bumbu Regency is the recipient for the most realized domestic investment with Rp1.3 trillion, followed by Kotabaru Regency with Rp1.2 trillion and Banjarmasin City with Rp799 billion.

Meanwhile, foreign investments stood at Rp1.6 trillion, and Banjarmasin City contributed the most out of that figure with Rp953 billion.

“South Kalimantan ranks 18th (in Indonesia) for foreign investments. Of the total of more than Rp7 trillion, domestic investments accounts for 89.5 percent while foreign investments made up 10.5 percent, indicating that domestic investment still dominates,” he explained.

There are 2,373 domestic investment projects and 279 foreign investment projects in South Kalimantan, making a combined total of 2,652 projects in the province.

“The largest foreign investor is Singapore with 113 projects, followed by Hong Kong with 36 projects. Several other countries have also invested in South Kalimantan,” Endri concluded.


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