
Investments to Central Java far exceeds target in 2024

WINDONESIA February 18, 2025 Workers operating heavy equipment at Grand Batang City in Batang Regency, Central Java some time ago. (Antara/Harviyan Perdana Putra)

Central Java Province Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) Head Sakina Rosellasari revealed that realized investment to Central Java Province reached Rp88.4 trillion in 2024, far exceeding the Rp80.1 trillion target.

"Investment realization in Central Java fom the first to fourth quarter of 2024 reached Rp88.44 trillion," explained Sakina when met at her office on Feb. 11, 2025.

There were 65,815 investment projects in 2024 which have created jobs for 411,013 workers. Meanwhile, the business sector that is most in demand by foreign investment is still the leather goods and footwear industry, followed by the textile industry. Meanwhile, the business sectors most in demand by domestic investment are housing, industrial areas, and offices.

Furthermore, Sakina admitted that Central Java is in fifth place in terms of investment achievement in Java Island after Jakarta, West Java, East Java, and Banten.

"[Central Java has] the highest job creation compared to provinces in Java Island, although we are inferior in terms of investment value," she added.

Furthermore, the areas in Central Java that are most targeted by foreign investors are Kendal Regency, Batang Regency, Demak Regency, Semarang City, and Jepara Regency. That is because these areas have industrial parks and special economic zones (SEZs).

"It turns out that Central Java only has eight "investment magnet." This is an impetus for the Central Java Provincial Government to expand [the province's] industry," Sakina said.

The Central Java DPMPTSP is also trying to continue adding more industrial areas in Central Java, especially in its central areas, to have such areas spread out across the province.

"What is certain is that we encourage business actors to invest in industrial areas. The industrial areas in Central Java are still [concentrated] in the north coast, [including] Semarang City, Kendal, Batang, and Demak. The only one south of them is in Cilacap, while the other [regions] of Central Java do not have industrial areas. We do, in fact, have Regional Spatial Plans (RTRW) for industrial areas that is part of our promotion of industrial areas to investos," she concluded.


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