
Importance of 2024 West Kalimantan Province Investment Potential Map

WINDONESIA September 21, 2024 FGD on the Preparation for the 2024 West Kalimantan Province Investment Potential Map. (West Kalimantan Provincial Government)

West Kalimantan Province Acting Regional Secretary Mohammad Bari said on Sep. 18, 2024, when officially opening the focus group discussion (FGD) on the Preparation for the 2024 West Kalimantan Province Investment Potential Map that the map is important for investors who will invest in this province.

"With all the potential, facilities and regional resources that it has, the [opportunities for] growth and development of investment activities in West Kalimantan are very wide open. As an destination for investments, West Kalimantan saw increasing value of investment realization from both domestic and foreign investments," he added.

Given the importance of investment, among the efforts made by the West Kalimantan Provincial Government to increase investment realization is to provide clear and specific data and information about potential investment opportunities for prospective investors.

"We hope that the 2024 West Kalimantan Province Investment Potential Map could provide an overview of various leading sectors in West Kalimantan [that is] equipped with accurate data, so that it could be used as a guideline for prospective investors in starting and developing their businesses in West Kalimantan," Bari explained.

In addition to making it easier for prospective investors to understand the potential sectors for investing in West Kalimantan, the investment potential map is also expected to have a positive impact on economic growth in West Kalimantan.

"We hope that the more investors who invest in West Kalimantan, the more jobs and development for its regional economy," Bari concluded.


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