
Forestra 2024 to Connect Music and Nature

WINDONESIA August 1, 2024 (Instagram/Forest Orchestra)

Forestra 2024 is the largest forest orchestra music performance in Indonesia, with the aim to connect humans, music, and nature.

The event, which will be held at Orchid Forest Cikole in Lembang, West Bandung on Aug. 31, 2024, presents various notable musicians from the collaboration between Greenpeace Indonesia and Erwin Gutawa Orchestra, including Efek Rumah Kaca, Nadin Amizah, Scaller, Isyana Sarasvati, Diskoria, Jason Ranti, The Adams, and Majelis Lidah Berduri.

As in previous years, visitors will also be treated to an opening performances while enjoying the shade of the green forest in the afternoon.

Forestra 2024 will soon announce other musicians who will complete the line-up of the event's performers this year.

In this year's event, Forestra 2024 also presents a stage designed by Jay Subyakto to ensure that the audience can enjoy Forestra better from various sides in a manner that prioritizes their comfort.

Forestra 2024 wants to remind that every moment during the event is more than just a show you watch, it is also about enjoying a deep moment with nature far from the noise of the city.

"Foresta continues to strive every year to provide a better experience. This year, we are holding one category per ticket types, with all audiences able to enjoy the magnificent Forestra performance from various sides. To get to know nature more closely, This year's Forestra will open its gates earlier to welcome visitors so they can spend more precious time with their loved ones under the pine forest shade," Forestra 2024 representative Barry Akbar said.

Meanwhile, Erwin Gutawa of Erwin Gutawa Orchestra, who is also Forestra 2024 Music Director, stated that Forestra is not just a musical performance, but also an effort to connect music played by 40 orchestra members with nature.

"We are in the middle of nature, in the middle of the Orchid Forest Cikole forest, in a beautiful collaboration with musicians from various genres," he said.

Meanwhile, Efek Rumah Kaca's Cholil Mahmud said "Forestra is a place for musicians who also want to express their love for nature. I am proud to be part of a show that not only presents a magnificent orchestra, but also presents various types of music, without damaging the surrounding nature. We hope that more visitors who come to Forestra can understand how beautiful nature is and be moved to preserve it."


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