
West Kotawaringin Promotes Local Products at Kalteng Expo

WINDONESIA May 17, 2024 The West Kotawaringin Regency Government's stand at the Kalteng Expo 2024 in Palangka Raya on May 15, 2024. (ANTARA/HO-West Kotawaringing Regency Government).

West Kotawaringin Regency Government, through its Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises Office (Disperindagkop UKM), is using the Kalteng Expo 2024 in Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province as an opportunity to showcase and promote various products from its local small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

“Kalteng Expo is an important moment and a means to highlight the region’s potential and wealth. We are very enthusiastic to participate and showcase the top products from Bumi Marunting Batu Aji,” West Kotawaringin Disperindagkop UKM Head Alfan Khusnaini stated on May 17, 2024.

At the event, the West Kotawaringin Regency Government’s stand displayed and offered various products, including crafts and processed foods produced by West Kotawaringin SME industry.

Some of the crafts exhibited and marketed by West Kotawaringin include hand-painted and hand-written T-shirts, West Kotawaringin-style batik cloth, West Kotawaringin traditional jackets and bags, ulin pestle and mortar, ulin cutting boards, ulin spatulas, ceramic crafts, traditional rings and bracelets, amethyst rings and stones, and more.

Meanwhile, the processed food products it offered include, among others, palm sugar, fish-based products such as fish krupuk, fish amplang, mackerel fish sticks, squid sticks, fish abon meat floss, genuine terasi shrimp paste, and banana chips.

“The most popular products that have sold out by the fourth day [of Kalteng Expo 2024] include ulin pestles, palm sugar, mackerel fish sticks, squid sticks, and banana chips,” Alfan disclosed.


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