
Vice President Supports South Papua Becoming Sugar Industry Center

WINDONESIA June 11, 2024 Vice President Ma'ruf Amin during his inspection to the the Sermayam Sugarcane Plantation Area. (Vice President of Indonesia Secretariat)

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin voiced his support for the development of South Papua Province into a center for the sugar industry to address national needs, which are currently met through increasing imports.

"Every year, [sugar] imports continue to rise, reaching up to 6 million tonnes in 2023. By 2045, our population is projected to reach 300 million. Therefore, we need to develop Merauke [Regency] as a hub for agriculture and plantations, including sugarcane," Ma'ruf said in Merauke, South Papua on Jun. 4, 2024.

The Vice President's statement came after he personally inspected the Sermayam Sugarcane Plantation Area, which is also a greenhouse pilot project investment laboratory.

He expressed hope that the sugar cane plantations in Merauke would be successful and achieve a yield similar to Australia.

"Australia has successfully developed a sugar industry with yields reaching 11 to 12 percent. In East Java, we have only achieved 6 to 7 percent. If this program succeeds, Merauke will become a significant agricultural and plantation hub, particularly for sugarcane and rice," he said.

Meanwhile, Global Papua Abadi (GPA) Project Lead Totok Lestyo reported GPA's plans to build a sugar and bioethanol factory in the Sermayam Sugarcane Plantation area.

"We plan to produce 2.6 million tons of sugar and 244 million liters of bioethanol in Merauke," he said.

Totok added that the 2025-2029 plan for South Papua includes the province becoming a center for agriculture, plantations, marine affairs, and tourism.

"In the long term, South Papua will progress. Merauke is relatively new to sugarcane cultivation, requiring superior seeds," he continued.

Seeds from East Java and Australia have been brought in for research to determine their suitability for Merauke's climate, temperature, and rainfall. Totok also noted that South Papua's natural conditions are favorable for developing sugar cane due to its climate and weather being influenced by Australia.

The plantation managed by GPA spans 506 hectares (ha) with an investment value of Rp53.8 trillion. Plans include building five sugar factories in Merauke to process 490,000 ha of sugarcane.

GPA has established a nursery laboratory for research and tissue culture to produce superior sugarcane seeds and to serve as a research center in Sermayam for developing sugarcane seed varieties from Australia.

Moreover, the company is collaborating with educational institutions to train new graduates and local workers at the Jagebob main plantation in Merauke, where land clearing is currently underway.


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