
Sumenep targets investment to regency reaching Rp2.7 trillion for 2025

WINDONESIA February 13, 2025 Sumenep Regency DPMPTSP Head Rahman Riadi. (

Sumenep Regency's realized investment reached Rp2.7 trillion in 2024, exceeding the Rp2.5 trillion target for the eastern Madura Island region. The Sumenep Regency Government is optimistic that investment will continue to grow in 2025, accordingly setting the investment target higher at Rp2.8 trillion for 2025.

Sumenep Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) Head Abdul Rahman Riadi, revealed that the sectors that most attract investors to Sumenep are micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), tourism, as well as agriculture.

He added that the ease of processing business permits is one of the driving factors for increased investments to Sumenep Regency. Currently, permits for medium to small scale businesses could be processed directly at the district level, while large businesses could process theirs at Public Service Malls (MPP).

"We continue to strive to create a welcoming investment climate by improving infrastructure and simplifying the [business] licensing process," said Rahman on Jan. 15, 2025.

In addition, the government is actively promoting the natural and cultural potential of the region to attract investors, such as beach tourism, culinary offerings, and local crafts. Sumenep hopes the various strategies it pursued would help it continue to be an investment-friendly area, which will in turn open up more jobs and encourage sustainable regional economic growth.


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