
Solok City to Develop Holticulture

WINDONESIA June 27, 2024 Chrysantemums in Solok City, West Sumatra.

The Solok City Government continues to develop the marketing and potential of horticultural plants in the city, especially that of chrysanthemums because of their high economic value.

Solok Deputy Mayor Ramadhani Kirana Putra explained in Solok, West Sumatra Province on Jun. 8, 2024, that horticulture are modern agricultural cultivation or farming activities for plants such as vegetables, fruits, or ornamental plants that use land from gardens or yards of one's own homes.

Ramadhani said that in Solok City the potential for horticulture is quite high, especially for medicinal plants such as citronella and ornamental plants such as chrysanthemums which famously decorated the Batu Patah Payo agrotourism area.

Ornamental plants also have a very large following.

Ramadani added that ornamental plants in particular have enormous potential in the global market thanks to digital systems, a new way to create better commerce for said plants.

The Solok City Government plans to continue encouraging its relevant institutions to create innovations that improve farmer welfare, and play a role in supporting the development of ornamental plants.

Therefore, he requested relevant institutions to provide continuous guidance to farmers because the ornamental plants are products which already and clearly have a market for them.

All parties related to the development of ornamental plant holticulture in Solok must partake and be committed to responding against every obstacles or challenges if Solok City is to become a "trader" for its natural resources, as well as to achieve the common goal of supporting agricultural commodities to reach market for agricultural commodities.

Ramadani asked farmers to be more optimal in producing ornamental plants of international standard quality, including banks to want to invest in farming, because the marketing opportunities are very large.

Apart from that, he asked the relevant agencies to also be able to be enthusiastic for and give attention to the program, and to be able to support each other.


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