
Seren Taun Kasepuhan Cisungsang 2024 Offers Cultural Wealth

WINDONESIA September 11, 2024 The Kasepuhan Cisungsang Indigenous Community carries the harvested rice that will be stored in a leuit during the Seren Taun tradition in Cisungsang Village, Cibeber District, Lebak Regency, Banten on Aug. 27, 2023. (detikcom)

The annual cultural event Seren Taun Kasepuhan Cisungsang, which takes place on 4-11 September 2024, has once again offers a rich and unique cultural experience.

According to the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry, the event not only functions as a means of preserving the cultural identity of the Kasepuhan Indigenous Community, it is also an attractive cultural tourism destination. As an occasion that combines tradition and modernity, Seren Taun Kasepuhan Cisungsang provides the promotion of culture based on local wisdom.

The event features various local traditions, local artworks, rituals, and even modern artistic performances which prove that Kasepuhan Cisungsang is able to adapt to contemporary cultural developments.

There are two main event categories present at Seren Taun Kasepuhan Cisungsang 2024.

First, traditional activities that remain consistent from year to year, such as Rasul Pare in Leuit, Bubuka, Traditional Pantun, Balik Taun Rendangan, Ngareremokeun, and Tatamu Sumping in Cisungsang.

Second, supporting activities that include cultural arts performances, tourism, and education are presented to increase visitors' insight and experience.

Seren Taun Kasepuhan Cisungsang is not just a cultural event, but also a symbol of the strength and adaptation of indigenous peoples to changing times, making it one of the most anticipated cultural events in Lebak Regency, Banten Province.


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