
Lampung's Krui Targeted to Be Its Premier Destination

WINDONESIA June 7, 2024 Surfer at Labuhan Jukung Beach in Krui, Pesisir Barat, Lampung. (Pesisir Barat Regency).

Lampung Province Tourism and Creative Economy Office Head Bobby Irawan announced that Krui is set to become a premier tourist destination in Lampung Province.

"Krui in Pesisir Barat Regency is rich with tourist attractions, including nature, maritime, culture, and culinary delights spread throughout its villages. We must introduce this more to the world," Bobby said on May 30, 2024.

He emphasized that with numerous tourist destinations across the area's villages, Krui has the potential to become Lampung's leading tourist spot.

Bobby noted that the Pesisir Barat Regency government plans to maximize the tourism potential in the district to continuously attract tourists.

"Pesisir Barat has significant tourism potential, especially with its many destinations. Even before the international surfing championship event, the World Surfing League (WSL) Krui Pro 2024, Krui has been a popular destination for foreign tourists visiting Lampung," he said.

In 2019, 300,000 foreign tourists visited Lampung Province, with 80 percent of them choosing Krui as their destination.

"So, Krui has long been the main destination for foreign tourists. With the WSL Krui Pro, its popularity will grow even more. Domestic tourists will also be eager to visit. I believe Krui can become the tourism center of Lampung in the future," he added.

Bobby explained that global awareness of Krui in Pesisir Barat Regency would increase significantly with the extension of the runway at Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport.

"Extending the airport runway will allow larger aircraft to land, making transportation access easier and faster. This brings great optimism for boosting tourist numbers beyond the current levels. This potential makes Krui a key focus for developing the tourism sector," he concluded.


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