
KKP encourages increased production of Pasaran Island anchovies

WINDONESIA January 15, 2025 Marine Affairs and Fisheries Deputy Minister Didit Herdiawan (right) talking with locals of Pasaran Island, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung on Dec. 28, 2024. (Antara/KKP)

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) is encouraging increased production of export-quality anchovies on Pasaran Island, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province to support the fisheries industry and boost the local economy. Marine Affairs and Fisheries Deputy Minister Didit Herdiawan stated in Jakarta on Dec. 29, 2024, that the effort is done by empowering women in the area so they have the ability to create quality anchovy products.

"As one of the best anchovy producers in Indonesia, processed products for export can be an additional source of income for fishing families [in Pasaran Island]," said Didit after meeting Pasaran Island residents.

He added that women's empowerment element of the initiative is done in collaboration with the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Ministry to improve business capabilities and diversify products based on local wisdom.

"It is very important to improvef women's ability to produce value-added products while increasing household income," Didit said.

He also appealed for the facilities and infrastructure that have been built by the KKP on Pasaran Island, which has been designated as a modern fishing village (Kalamo), to be utilized to increase income and added value.

"Good management can certainly minimize [the impact of when] fish supply is low so [the fishers] do not lose their market," Didit noted

Meanwhile, KKP Marine and Fisheries Products Competitiveness Improvement (PDSPKP) Director-General Budi Sulistiyo explained the results from the monitoring and evaluation of the 21 members of the fisheries cooperative on Pasaran Island. He said that the average production volume of anchovy processing in the area is two to five tons per month, while their monthly revenue reached Rp20-50 million.

The workforce employed by a processing business unit is around 10 to 20 people, which are divided into workers in sorting and cleaning, drying, as well as packaging duties. Currently, the anchovy products' marketing targets are largely the Jakarta and Lampung regions.

"We continue to monitor developments here after it has been inaugurated as a Kalamo. Of course this is part of the state's attention towards coastal communities. We encourage cooperatives to be more innovative in opening up market opportunities, both domestically and abroad," said Budi.

During his work visit to Lampung, Deputy Minister Didit also took the time to visit the Lampung Marine and Fisheries Product Quality Control and Supervision Agency (BPPMHKP). In one of the KKP technical service units (UPT), he gave direction for all KKP units to improve public services and collaborate between work units to provide quick solutions to the local community as part of efforts to accelerate the realization of food self-sufficiency in Indonesia

The Kalamo initiative is part of KKP Minister Wahyu Trenggono's blue economy program, which aims to increase the productivity of fishing communities through the provision of various fisheries infrastructure by the KKP. Apart from Pasaran Island, Kalamo has also been built in Biak Island, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province.


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