
Groundbreaking for Civil Servant Housing Construction in Central and South Papua

WINDONESIA September 13, 2024 Groundbreaking for the construction of an apartment and special housing units in Merauke Regency, South Papua. (South Papua Provincial Government)

Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minsitry, through its Housing Directorate-General, carried out the groundbreaking for the construction of apartments and special housing units for South Papua Provincial Government and Central Papua Provincial Government civil servants (ASN).

The apartment, which was built according to its 2024-2025 contract, will have Type 36 units which are furnished. Meanwhile, the 50 special housing units will consist of Type 70 buildings.

"Today, we carry out the groundbreaking for the construction of apartments and special housing units for ASN of Papua's new autonomous regions, specifically in the provinces of South Papua and Central Papua," PUPR Ministry Housing Director-General Iwan Suprijanto stated in South Papua on Sep. 4, 2024.

Iwan explained that the construction of housing infrastructure in the Papuan new autonomous regions is a form of commitment from the central government under the leadership of the President Joko Widodo to achieve equity of development in Papua. In addition, the government also wants to bring the regional government center closer to the local community to ease public service and bureaucratic work.

"The construction of apartments and special housing units is not [just] a new project, but [also] the government's responsibility to be closer and provide the best service to the [local] community. In addition to housing, the PUPR Ministry will also build office buildings so that governance in the new autonomous regions could run well," he elaborated.

Iwan is present at the event together with South Papua Acting Governor Pol. Com. Gen. (ret.) Rudy Sufahriadi and representatives of Central Papua Acting Governor Ribka Haluk.

Meanwhile, PUPR Ministry Housing Directorate-General's Papua I Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P) Head Aleksander Simon Lopulalan explained, in a report that was submitted by Papua Province Housing Provision Work Unit Head PM. Desyarmeda Killian, that the groundbreaking of the for the construction of the South Papua ASN Apartment and Special Housing is located in the Salor Independent Integrated Area, Kurik District, Merauke Regency, South Papua. 

Two apartments will be built according to the Wisma Arunika Type, each with three floors. Their total number of residences is 88 Type 36 units that consist of two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a dining room, a kitchen, and a laundry area. In addition, several public facilities such as multi-purpose rooms, prayer rooms, public bathrooms, management rooms, a parking area, and public utility facilities will also be provided to residents.

Meanwhile, Aleksander said on the special housing units that each is built with one floor that will consist of three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a laundry area, bathrooms, a dining room, a terrace, and a carport.

"The apartment's land area is 2.4 hectares (ha), and the construction contract date was August 30, 2024, for contractor Nindya Karya, with a work period of 300 calendar days. South Papua Provincial Government ASN will be their beneficiaries," he explained.

The PUPR apparatus will also carry out the construction of the Central Papua Provincial Government ASN Apartment in Karadiri 2, Wanggar District, Nabire Regency, Central Papua. It will be made up of three-story Wisma Arunika type apartment towers with 88 type 36 housing units in total.

"The apartment in Central Papua has a land area of ​​2.5 ha, and the contractor is Djasa Ubersakti with a construction period of 330 calendar days. We hope that the beneficiaries, the Central Papua Provincial Government ASN, could immediately occupy the housing when it is completed," Aleksander said.

Pol. Com. Gen. (Ret.) Rudy Sufahriadi expressed his gratitude for the support of the PUPR Ministry for development in Papua Province. He also hopes that investment to South Papua will continue to increase, including in the property sector amid plans to build various government offices in the future.

"We would like to thank the PUPR Ministry which continues to build infrastructure, including housing for South Papua Provincial Government ASN," he said.


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