
Export deals made at AMBF x SSIF 2024 by BI

WINDONESIA January 12, 2025 Opening of AMBF x SSIF 2024 at Hotel Claro Makassar on Nov. 20, 2024. (BI)

Bank Indonesia (BI)'s South Sulawesi Province Representative Office has once again provided a forum for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as well as regencies and cities throughout South Sulawesi to meet buyers and investors from 30 countries through Anging Mammiri Business Fair (AMBF) x South Sulawesi Investment Forum (SSIF) 2024. The total investment value on show at the event reached Rp 9.5 trillion.

"We have [done business matching resultingin] export transactions involving food and beverages with a value of Rp91 billion," he said at the opening of AMBF x SSIF 2024, which was held from Nov. 20-21, 2024.

He added that the sector that was most sought after by foreign buyers during the opening day is the food and beverage sector, including seaweed, cocoa, and spices.

"South Sulawesi's MSMEs as well as its regencies and cities have very large potential, so it is hoped that cooperation can be established between buyers and MSMEs. In order for MSMEs to be noticed, they must improve their quality, have [the approval of] BPOM (Food and Drug Monitoring Agency), and can ensure the [demanded] quantity is met through a continuity certificate," he explained.

Meanwhile, South Sulawesi Province Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) Head Asrul Sani acknowledged the great potential of regencies and cities in South Sulawesi. He revealed that AMBF x SSIF 2024 showcased 14 projects from said regencies and cities which were directly offered to prospective investors. One of the commodities that has a high selling value is seaweed, as South Sulawesi is the largest producer of seaweed in Indonesia.

"There are 14 projects offered by cities and regencies [in South Sulawesi] to potential investors [at AMBF x SSIF 2024]. There is a lot of potential [in the province]. An example is seaweed, as South Sulawesi is the largest producer [of the commodity in Indonesia] and there is currently a lot of demand from China for the product which is sourced from the [regencies of] Bone and East Luwu. Selayar [Islands Regency] sand dune tourism, Bone [Regency] beef cattle, and several other investment projects also have very large potential," he elaborated.


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