
BI Held FESyar KTI 2024 in Kendari City

WINDONESIA August 18, 2024 Opening of FESyar KTI 2024 in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi on July 7, 2204. (Radio Republik Indonesia)

The 2024 Eastern Indonesia Sharia Economy Festival (FESyar KTI) was held in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi from July 7 to 10, 2024. It had "Synergy to Strengthen the Resilience and Revival of the Sharia Economy in the Eastern Region of Indonesia," as its theme.

Bank Indonesia (BI) Southeast Sulawesi Province Representative Office Head Doni Septadijaya explained at the festival's opening on on July 8, 2024 that it had two main activities, namely the Sharia Fair at The Park Mall Kendari and the Sharia Forum at Grand Claro Kendari.

FESyar KTI 2024 is the culmination of various events that have been carried out by 18 BI Representative Offices in KTI to encourage the development of the sharia economy in terms of strengthening the halal ecosystem, sharia finance, as well as the halal lifestyle literacy and inclusion.

"Four featured programs will be implemented at FESyar KTI 2024, namely the KTI Waqf Awareness Movement, the KTI MSMEs Halal Movement, the KTI Halal Ecosystem Initiation, and the KTI Sharia Economic Literacy Acceleration programs," Doni revealed.

Meanwhile, Southeast Sulawesi Regional Secretary Asrun Lio, who represented Southeast Sulawesi's Acting Governor, explained that the activity is very important for the development of Indonesia's sharia economy.

He also informed that the Acting Governor called for pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools) should not only be centers of religious education, but they must also be centers of economic activity with good potential to contribute towards real economic sector.

"Pesantrens and Islamic educational institutions should facilitate the creation of jobs, increase people's income, and encourage inclusive economic growth," Asrun stated.

He added that the sharia economy's implementation in Southeast Sulawesi must reflect the sharia economy's values, namely justice, inclusiveness, equal distribution of prosperity, and environmental sustainability.

In his capacity representing Southeast Sulawesi as the festival's host, Asrun invited all elements of society to participate in various FESyar KTI 2024 activities to drive the momentum for the development of sharia economics and finance.

"Let's turn FESyar KTI 2024 into a momentum for strengthening the resilience and revival of the sharia economy in Eastern Indonesia with a spirit of togetherness and collaboration," he stated.

Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia Deputy Governor Juda Agung explained that the sharia economy is an inseparable part of national economic development. He added that the sharia economic system not only provides solutions to economic problems, but also brings with it high moral and ethical values.

"Therefore, the festival has a very important role in introducing and developing the sharia economy in society while [also] celebrating the [Islamic] month of Muharram 1446 AH (After Hijrah)." Juda said.

FESyar KTI 2024's activities include the Strengthening Halal Ecosystems Seminar, Productive Economic Empowerment Models through ZISWAF (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf) Seminar, and the Sharia Business Empowerment Models Seminar. Training activities, such as the nazir (waqf administrator) competency certification and the ToT Da'i (training of trainers for da'i, Muslim missionaries), is also available.

Furthermore, there are various competitions to encourage sharia economy literacy in Eastern Indonesia, such as Sharia Technovation, KTI Azan Competition, Da'wah Competition, and the KTI Sharia Economic Competition.


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