
Bengkulu City Optimistic of Reaching Investment Target

WINDONESIA August 18, 2024 Bengkulu City DPMPTSP Head Irsan Setiawan. (Radio Republik Indonesia)

Investments to Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province has so far been in an upward trend, which was signaled by the issuance of 6,271 business identification numbers (NIB) in Bengkulu City for the first half of 2024 (H12024).

The NIBs which had been issued are for 6,250 micro and small enterprises (MSEs) as well as 21 non-MSEs or medium-large enterprises. The vast majority of investments to Bengkulu City in H12024 at 6,270 investments are by domestic investors, with only one investment venture by foreign investors.

After the issuance of those NIBs, Bengkulu City One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) Head Irsan Setiawan is optimistic that the investment targets set by the Bengkulu Provincial Government for the Bengkulu City Government could be achieved.

The investment target from the Indonesian government for Bengkulu City is Rp3.5 trillion. The city exceeded the Rp2 trillion set by the Indonesian government in 2023.

In order for that previous achievement to be repeated, Bengkulu City enacts integrated supervision of all companies investing in Bengkulu City to achieve targets. That includes ordering companies to divulge their investment activity reports (LKPM), as it is data point that needs to be included in the business activity development monitoring online single submission (OSS) subsystem.

The LKPM is a document that business actors must report periodically, with said obligation regulated in Article 15 of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Regulation No. 5/2021.

"Our team will continuously request regular LKPM reports from companies. We hope that a lot of investment will come into Bengkulu City, so that the target aiming for an almost 70 percent increase of investments could be achieved," he concluded.


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