
North Kalimantan Promotes Tourism Through Writing Workshop

WINDONESIA May 20, 2024 North Kalimantan Deputy Governor Yansen's keynote speech at the North Kalimantan Province Tourism Book Writing Literacy Workshop on May 15, 2024. (North Kalimantan Diskominfo).

North Kalimantan Deputy Governor Yansen delivered the keynote speech at the opening of the North Kalimantan Province Tourism Book Writing Literacy Workshop for  at Gedung Gadis on May 15, 2024.

In his speech representing the North Kalimantan Governor, Yansen presented integral and inseparable four pillars needed to promote tourism to the province. Those pillars are product, place, price, and promotion.

"By applying these four marketing pillars, it is hoped that the tourism potential of North Kalimantan Province can attract more domestic and international tourists," he said while reading the Governor's speech.

The workshop is an approach to comprehensively introduce North Kalimantan's tourist destinations through narratives, creative content, living culture, and the leveraging of cultural strengths.

Yan said anyone can write when they understand themselves and their feelings. Strengthening literacy is part of self-improvement.

Indonesia ranks 62nd out of 70 countries with low literacy. Therefore, he encouraged this activity to result in an output of books by North Kalimantan writers.

"I hope this activity provides opportunities for capable individuals with writing skills, which is supported by the tourism potential in each regency and city in North Kalimantan so that travel experiences to those regions could be conveyed in writing," he added

The workshop, held for two days from May 15 to May 16, 2024, was initiated by the North Kalimantan Province's Tourism Office and featured notable figures in the literary world such as Pepih Nugraha, Dodi Mawardi, Arbain Rambey, Hilmi Faiq, and Masri Sareb Putra.


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